Poppers Tips: Effects and Safety

poppers tips and tricks

Although they were banned in 2007 and 2011, poppers are now authorized for sale, consumption and distribution in France. Poppers are now very popular and surveys confirm that nearly one in ten French people have already used them at least once in their life. How can we explain this appeal for poppers and why are they so popular? How can you consume them without putting your health at risk to benefit from their effects? Let's take a closer look at the subject in order to better understand the issues involved.

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We reveal all the little secrets of this Magic potion

What exactly are poppers?

Before we look at the effects of poppers, it is essential to go back to what it is and its origins. To do this, a little background and some explanations are necessary.

The origins of poppers

The origins of poppers are distant and its development has known several waves. It all started almost 200 years ago when in 1844 a French chemist namedAntoine-Jérôme Balard created a compound by synthesizing amyl nitrite. Its creation was intended to be used for medical purposes.

It was in this capacity that a few years later, in the 1860s, a Scottish doctor named Thomas Lauder Brunton actually used it to treat patients with angina and heart problems. For a long time, this practice continued and was used in hospitals all over the world.

Le fate of poppers changed in the 1970s, when the gay community realized that the use of poppers could be diverted from its initial mode. Indeed, its power was not only medical, but it presented other virtues (to which we will return) because of its propensity to facilitate vasodilation.

Since then, poppers have become more popular within the homosexual community and the nightlife world, where many have started to consume it to party and have fun. Until the 1980s, the use of poppers was reserved almost exclusively for this minority, but since the 1990s other social spheres (all walks of life) have appropriated this substance to the point that it has become today, we can say, a social phenomenon that continues to gain new followers every year.

The composition of poppers

Poppers are volatile liquid substances based on of aliphatic or cyclic alkyl nitrites. There are various forms that can contain butyl, propyl, isopropyl or pentyl nitrites. Sometimes, their composition is a mixture of these liquids. The packaging of nitrites is done in small bottles that, when uncorked or inhaled, act on the body in a few moments.

The different possible uses of poppers

The effects of poppers on the body and behavior allow users to use them in different ways.

  • Poppers can be used as a real festive stimulant. In fact, a few seconds after the scent has been inhaled, consumers feel a sensation of euphoria that allows them to have fun and frees up the most shy and reserved people. Many consume it in the evening to enjoy the party.
  • Poppers are also used in sexual purposes. It has the effect of increasing desire, prolonging pleasure, making it more intense and above all facilitating anal or vaginal penetration by reducing pain through vasodilation. Vasodilation allows an influx of blood into the vessels which acts at the level of the smooth muscles.
  • Poppers also have the ability to relax consumers who can thus chase away the stress of everyday life and enjoy a few moments of letting go.

How do poppers influence sexuality?

It is undeniable that poppers strongly influence the sexuality of those who use them. And if the gay community became its apostle in the 1970s and 1980s, it is no coincidence.

What are the benefits of poppers in sexual encounters?

First of all, poppers have advantages when it comes to romantic encounters. Some people do not dare to approach someone they like head-on for various reasons, the most likely of which is shyness. By consuming poppers, this barrier is lifted. The user enters a state of euphoria that disinhibits them and makes them euphoric by allowing them to come out of their shell and let themselves be truly themselves. The person can thus easily approach others to meet them better thanks to a boost in self-confidence.

Why are poppers used in sexuality?

In addition to its power to facilitate encounters, poppers are also used for sexual practice. Poppers have many arguments that support its use. Among the aphrodisiac benefits it provides, we can mention that:

  • Taking poppers increases desire for your partner.
  • Men are prone to larger erections.
  • The duration of intercourse is extended.
  • The pleasure experienced is more intense and ejaculation is greater.
  • Poppers allow you to explore new sensations, particularly sodomy, by reducing the pain felt during penetration.

How to use poppers safely?

Although poppers are not categorized as illicit products leading to addiction, their consumption requires taking certain precautions. Here are several tips to follow and actions to take to make the most of their benefits without exposing your health.

Tips for using poppers correctly

For healthy consumption and use of poppers, different precautions must be followed:

  • Make sure you are healthy : to avoid taking any risks and not endangering one's health, consumers must be in good health. Thus, people suffering from respiratory or cardiac problems and pregnant women should not consume it.
  • Do not take poppers with other risky products : one of the rules to follow to enjoy the hilarious, sexual and relaxing effects of poppers is not to associate them with substances that are potentially harmful to health. It is, therefore, strongly advised not to consume poppers with other drugs or with alcohol.
  • Never consume poppers with medication : taking poppers should never be combined with medication, otherwise there are risks. Indeed, the combination of chemical substances can cause undesirable effects.
  • Refer to the usage recommendations : Consumption of poppers involves inhaling the product without it coming into contact with the eyes, skin, mouth or mucous membranes. Users must comply with the manufacturers' instructions without deviating from them.
  • Use poppers in moderation : it is obvious that overconsumption can be dangerous. This is why it is advisable not to exceed four successive doses of poppers in a row. Moreover, this is enough to enjoy its effects and have fun.
  • Making the right choice of poppers : there are different types of poppers on the market, some more powerful than others. Some are intended for recreational use, others for sexual use. Also, when choosing your poppers, you must orient your selection towards products related to your desires for use and your personal experience. Choosing the poppers adapted to your needs will allow you to appreciate it more.
  • Be attentive to distributors : poppers are available over the counter and while it is easy to get them in pharmacies, sex shops or on the internet, this should not make you forget that one of the safety rules for this type of product is based on the quality of the components. Before buying, you must check the reputation of the merchant site or point of sale. Preferably choose renowned and leading brands on the poppers market. This is the price at which you will not take any risks.
  • Ask experts for advice : If you are a beginner, do not blindly jump into poppers. Ask for advice from dealers or experienced friends.

Tips to follow to consume your product

To consume your poppers, you can use different methods. It is up to each user to turn to the one that suits them best, depending on their preferences and experience in the matter. To enjoy the effects of poppers, the principle is to inhale the substance without it coming into contact with any part of the body. Among the most common methods of consumption, it is possible:

  • Inhale the product by blocking one nostril with a finger, while the other nostril lets the scent penetrate towards the clear orifice.
  • To take poppers using an inhaler provided with the bottle.
  • To let the aroma of poppers diffuse in a room so that the different protagonists present benefit from it.

What to do in case of side effects from poppers?

Poppers use can cause side effects in some users for various reasons that we have discussed. Although fatal accidents are rare, they should not be ruled out out of hand.

Among the side effects that may be experienced, there are risks of nausea and vomiting, headaches, malaise, skin irritation, respiratory distress, and racing heart.

If you notice that one or more of these pathologies are affecting you, caution requires that you immediately stop taking the product and contact a doctor as soon as possible.

How has public perception of poppers evolved?

Over the past few decades, public perception of poppers has evolved. Today, while poppers are recognized as having obvious psychotic effects, they are not classified as prohibited substances like drugs, tobacco or alcohol. However, public authorities are very attentive to the components. In France, as in other European countries, strict manufacturing rules are expected and approvals are necessary in order to guarantee the quality of the products and reduce risks.

Towards a more festive use of poppers

The evolution of the way poppers are consumed has gradually shifted away from its sexual use in the 1970s and 1980s and is now more recreational and mainly aimed at party-goers. Poppers are a way to distract yourself and have fun that does not lead to addiction as is often the case when consuming cannabis. Users appreciate the almost immediate effects of nitrites on the body which allow you to quickly switch to a state of relaxation and euphoria that are intended to be temporary.

Poppers: products consumed by all social categories

If previously consumers were mainly from the gay community, today, we see that all social backgrounds consume them. It is common knowledge that poppers are increasingly popular, particularly because of their affordable prices and the ease with which they can be obtained. From the trendy youngster, to the hard worker needing to unwind, to lovers of new sexual sensations, everyone is potentially concerned.

Poppers: popular with young people

The democratization of poppers, their low price, pleasant scents, their festive and rarely dangerous use, have an impact on the younger generations who do not hesitate to consume them. Moreover, the age group of consumers has shrunk significantly in recent years and young people are starting earlier and earlier. Studies show that young people around 18 years old consume more than other categories of adults.

It is important to be aware of the effect of poppers on health in the event of misuse, intolerance to the product or various pathologies. By following the instructions for use and choosing suitable products, consumers can enjoy a more fulfilling sexuality, better well-being and they can also have fun without becoming dependent on the products. It should also be remembered that under no circumstances should poppers be used without informing other members present in a room. The consent of all must be a priority.

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