Libertinism: how to accept yourself and flourish fully 

Overall, the libertinism refers to people (single or in a relationship) with very free morals, particularly in matters of sexuality. But like any practice contrary to the conventions of society, libertinism remains taboo, preventing its followers from living fully and accepting themselves. Are you a libertine or do you want to take the plunge? Here are some tips to help you proudly let your sexuality blossom.

Finding the right information

libertinage coupleThe first enemy of libertinism is bad information. Because of their aversion to this way of life, many people constantly spread a tarnished image of it. Consequently, libertine people or those wishing to be libertines are poorly informed and uncomfortable in their own skin. It is therefore essential to take the time to educate yourself properly on what libertinism really is and what it involves.

To do this, you can join the libertine tomorrow network which provides you with a whole range of interesting information on the subject. You can also contact people libertines that you know and who take responsibility for themselves. They are better able to give you details and provide you with sound advice.

In addition to helping you see beyond external criticism, accurate information allows you to be sure that you really want to be a libertine. It frees you from ideas received and contribute to a better opening of your mind. That said, stopping at the information you gather to draw a definitive conclusion can mislead you. As is often said, you can only know if you really love after you have tried.

It's not about jumping into the void and starting right away with the extreme practices of libertinage. You can just try to meet people in the field and participate in events to familiarize yourself with it. Dedicated clubs and libertine dating sites will be your best allies. If you find it difficult to feel comfortable as you evolve, don't turn back right away. You can take a break and step back. It could just be society's preconceived ideas that continue to block you.

Society's view of libertinism

You should know that libertinism is a form byhedonism. It comes first and foremost through freedom from the rules and morality that are established in sexuality. As long as you are governed by all these constraints, your libertinage will always be poorly expressed and full of frustrations. For example, society easily makes a libertine pass for a woman without values ​​and little or no intelligence. But it doesn't take much time to realize that this has nothing to do with it and that being a libertine in no way defines the person you are.

Similarly, a couple living according to libertinism is often treated as unhealthy or devoid of love. But once again, this lifestyle does not in any way tarnish the love you feel for your spouse and vice versa. The most important thing is that you are both in agreement with your actions and that consent is free and informed. Further, many of those who criticize libertinism do so only because they do not have the courage to indulge in it.

If you want to discover new horizons with your body and be in harmony with it, give free rein to your desires. Forget the external gaze and remember that your fun belongs only to you. No one else has the right to decide for you what you do with your body.

Asking the right questions

9017c8fafccb983071e1b44d4f8a26e8 1While libertinism itself is not bad, it can have a perverse effect when it is done for the wrong reasons. Libertinism is not meant to fill a void, much less to save a relationship or just break the “rules”. In other words, don’t become a libertine person just because:

  • you feel lonely in your singlehood;
  • your relationship is struggling and you want to spice it up;
  • you want to prove to a third party that you are able to do it, etc.

In either case, you risk ending up very disappointed, even broken. If you feel lonely, ask yourself why and how you can healthily chase away this feeling of solitude. Becoming a swinger won't do you any good if the underlying problem isn't solved. Likewise, if your relationship is going badly, try to solve the real problem instead of drowning it out with sex. All you'll do is slowly build a toxic relationship that will eventually destroy you. Sometimes, the best solution is to end a relationship to regain lost happiness.

You probably understood it, the desire for libertinism must come from a desire whole. If you are in a relationship, your partner must give their consent so that everything goes smoothly. Put words to your desires and fantasies. You can even write them down to have a better overview.

The importance of consent

Don't let anyone force you into a life of libertinage for fear of losing that person. If your partner is a libertine and wants to share his or her experiences with you, you don't have to accept. Question your desires first to be sure that you really want it. Don't hesitate to ask your limit. To be a libertine (e) does not make you a person who does not deserve respect. There is a whole diversity of practices in libertinism. And if you happen to like mixing, you will not necessarily be a fan ofswinging.

So don't be afraid to say no because you think you've already gone too far. If you're in a relationship, discuss it with your partner beforehand so that there's respect. No matter how subtle your boundaries are, they need to be respected.

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