A Sex Story by Servane Vergy the naughty girl

In Naughty adventures


I'll tell you my latest sex story with a handsome black guy!

But, before my latest opus, "Servane Vergy's little juicy anecdotes", I wanted to share my sex story with you. Let's dive into the happiness of this little collection of erotic-pornographic short stories, funny or pathetic, because adventures like this, we don't live them every day and when we live them, we don't forget them!


Naughty and tender stories engraved in my memory

They remain etched in my memory and I can't help but smile when I think about them... Attention, prudish people, move on! Have fun!

I am a normal person, neither nymphomaniac, nor erotomaniac, nor histrionic. I like to live life to the fullest, have impromptu encounters, I hate dating sites, encounters are in real life, in the street, in bars, at openings, while traveling…

I have had so many lovers in my life that I have experienced comical, original, moving and funny situations. My rascals, you have taken me well and made me laugh! My existence has made me live unforgettable moments. You are all in turn clumsy, touching, astonishing, unpredictable, pathetic, generous, unchained… Men I love you!

I am very curious by nature and I always like to poke around to live different adventures. Whether it is discovering other countries, other groups, other people, other sexual practices (within reason, no thanks, no threesome with a horse!)

sex story seen by a naughty girl madintouch an erotic
Servane or erotic painting with words

From erotic news to naughty stories

Sex story with Servane Vergy who specialized in writing funny little sex guides. Notably with La Musardine editions, whose title: "dare... become a sex expert to drive a man crazy with pleasure", which sold nearly 100 copies. At the same time, she wrote several erotic short stories with the same publisher, in collective works.


A Sex Story with an Anaconda

Mon sex story starts before…

I lived for 14 years in a dream house in the city center with a large garden. It was located in a dead end, where all the neighbors helped each other. It was a bit like a community, but after having dinner together, everyone went back to their "home sweet home". We went from one house to another, hop, I'll bring you my quiche Lorraine, take out the redhead. Our children were the same age and were very close.

But one day, big problem: my house was sinking into the ground, no foundations! I had the thing repaired quickly, and since I knew that my bohemian house was in dire need of work, I sold it with a heavy heart. It was the house of happiness, all my teenagers' friends came over whenever they wanted, I cooked them good meals, real life! The door was open 24/XNUMX. It's a blue house... Anyway.

So I bought another house 50 meters away, but it was soulless. There were no neighbors! Absolute depression! Every time I tried to socialize with my neighbors, it was hello/good evening. Not my thing! I was desperate. That's when I had a brilliant idea: to return to one of my properties in the hyper-city center

(I'm not a poor owner, when you're a writer and you know you won't have a pension, you put yourself in safety).

So I moved into my super little Haussmannian apartment, full of neighbors, noise and people passing by. I could finally breathe! Of course, I became friends with all my neighbors, I felt reassured and protected. Everyone knew each other and helped each other, everything I love and need to live.

With my neighbor, we immediately exchanged our numbers and our keys just in case... I got drunk on rum with Marie, a black hottie from the 06e floor, we laughed, we talked… a lot.

My upstairs neighbor is a big beautiful black man, very athletic, dream body, but the most important thing is that he was sunny, always smiling and chatty. Charismatic, empathetic and generous, he brought us little Senegalese dishes in Tupperware, and God knows how I enjoyed myself! Sharing and generosity. A guy like me in a way.

Then one evening, I was watching a good film, and he sent me a text: "What are you doing tonight Servane?" I replied as usual, watching a film while smoking cigarettes.

  • I'm going downstairs to watch TV with you! 
  • Ok no worries !

I must say that there had never been any sexual ambiguity between us, nor any signs of seduction. Just pure friendship between friends. And then, well, a handsome man... a beautiful woman... we ended up cuddling together. He had a 30 cm penis! When it was flaccid, it reached mid-thigh!!! I put on +++ lubricant And everything went smoothly. No pain, only pleasure (when I think that the father of my children was only 13 centimeters erect). That said, it was more comfortable for sodomy!

What I enjoyed about that first night was the gentleness, the cuddles, the deep kisses tongue against tongue… It was magical.

To my great despair, he went home to sleep, when we could have slept skin to skin… That alerted me…

And then the adventure continued, we sent each other text messages:

  • Can I come borrow your computer mouse?
  • Sure, go!

The problem was that he was interested in a completely different animal, I named my little cat. Of course we ended up in bed, and it was delicious.

Until the day he turned to the dark side:

“You are my female dog, my slut, my blonde French girl with big tits…

  • Uh, how can I explain this to you... uh, no! I'm your little Servane who loves making love with you!"

The dice were getting loaded. We continued to see each other:

  • “Anaconda, party tonight?”
  • "Need a hug"


And there you have it, one evening, Anaconda comes down from his house naked, all spunky outside… I had left my door open as usual, but there he is, face to face with my neighbor who was coming home from a party… And who he knew since all the neighbors communicate…

He came into my house like a thief, his two big black hands couldn't hide his anaconda... What an intergalactic shame for him! We still cuddled, it was so good...

I don't know if my neighbor was able to see the fire hose, but she and I had a good laugh about it.

As for my bomb, I never heard anything from her... Shame on me, I think... Since then, I've only heard her big black feet walking on the plank.

Too bad, it was a cool relationship! But can you imagine me going up to his place naked? Not even in my dreams!!!

porn story with a black guy
My Anaconda

The biography of Servane Vergy, storyteller of naughty tales

I love meeting new people for sex, chatting with them, listening to their most intimate confidences. I don't know why, or rather yes, it's my caring and zero-judgmental side that makes them tell me their well-kept secrets. Rather than a writer, I should have been a shrink or a life coach! Even my shrink tells me about his sex life... But could I have stopped myself from writing down patients' anecdotes? No, certainly not. But without publishing them of course, out of respect!

Since childhood, I have been writing sex stories. My creativity is, you could say, limitless! I wrote a first novel at 20, another at 30, but I never dared to submit them for publication. I think that at the time, I didn't feel legitimate. Shortly after 30, I started writing erotic short stories, lying on my stomach, and I would have orgasms just by writing them! They were published in men's magazines, it amused me! What my very porn stories be read.

Then I ran away, very quickly (I don't think I've ever run so quickly in my life) from the national education system. On sick leave at first (the 8-year-olds were trafficking credit cards and calling me a bitch) "when I grow up, I'll be unemployed like dad!"

In short, I who dreamed of teaching French literature or linguistics like my role model Mr. Gardin, Blanche's father, yes yes!, I had to interrupt my studies to have money to raise my tribe... Small jobs as a trainer, typewriter for individuals of theses, ironer at home, private model for painters and sculptors or in art schools... I took the competitive examination to become a primary school teacher without ever having revised anything and reluctantly.


A porn story full of twists and turns

For the little sex story, I had a flat tire on the way, changed my tire, and arrived three quarters of an hour late at the room where the competition was taking place... because two thirds of the registered people were missing... Obviously I passed the competition with my fingers in my nose, and I fell into the gears of the machine that crushes kids (the Wall), the French education system was already working on its head: long live Montessori and Finnish or Danish education, where empathy lessons are taught in the same way as all the other subjects.

And then, one fine morning, I sent letters to publishers to offer my skills as a proofreader, and a publisher called me to offer me a contract… as an author. The machine was launched, I published more than 330 books under pseudonyms as diverse as varied. Until my naughty character came back to me like a boomerang and I began to write in the field of eroticism and uninhibited sexuality.


Uninhibited sex stories in his erotic books

Life and sex stories are a party. One morning, when I woke up from my handsome lover, an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, I found on his nightstand a bunch of books about sexuality, love, and male/female relationships. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, and two very nice little sex guides "Dare to tell a sex story...".

A story of sex published by La Musardine. Without further ado, I sent an email to the director of the collection, with a synopsis, then I completely forgot about it. I quietly continued my beautiful work as an author with other publishers, on subjects as varied as they were eclectic, then one fine day… in my mailbox… A message with the subject line: “Dare…”. So I replied to this publisher, and then we met.

A very cultured gentleman who also wrote books on various and varied subjects. In short, a big name! So it was in 2008 that I published my first “dare… the secrets of a sex expert to drive a man crazy with pleasure”, which was a bestseller and is still popular today. A real sex story is a change, right?

The book must have sold around 100 copies since then. The revenge of a very small girl who wore big glasses, was a head shorter (and a year younger) than her classmates who never stooped to say a single word to her, and who, to top it all off, was top of her class by a wide margin.

With her old-fashioned clothes recovered by an old aunt because you understand, my mother told me, "the physical appearance is not important" and took advantage of it to cut my hair very short. Beautiful revenge of a mini-tuna propelled sexperte, with a hottie physique to follow!


Sex and humor guide for sale

I admit, I had a lot of fun writing this little practical sex and humor guide, in a relaxed and uninhibited tone! It was the crazy time when we were up to no good with my gang of guinea fowl, scouring lounge bars and nightclubs until the end of the night.

With, of course, always a glass of champagne in hand, obviously offered by a suitor who had only one idea in mind: to make us sigh until morning! 

We were far from the time when men no longer dared to approach women for fear of receiving a complaint for sexual harassment. We were powerful, free and happy women. Free to say yes or no if we wanted, and strong to have our choices respected and to assume responsibility for them.

It is in this little collection of short stories that I tell my most juicy epics lived with boys who are more or less rustic, delicate in love, consumers, good and bad shots combined. I want to clarify all the same that there are no standards.

Men and women alike can be the good or bad guy for their partner. If you want to laugh and have fun for the price of two beers, don't hesitate to order online or from your local bookstore...

sex story with a black guy, the beautiful servane vergy gets taken by a 30 centimeter cock
A Book to order urgently!

More erotic news to follow

In November, I will tell you about my next baby which will be published very soon: "Jouir au féminin", which the publisher speaks very well of:

"Sexual pleasure is an essential element in everyone's fulfillment. However, one in two women say they are dissatisfied, due in particular to inhibiting prejudices, lack of desire or difficulty reaching orgasm. In this book, the author combats preconceived ideas and gives concrete solutions to no longer miss out on your sexuality. How does women's pleasure work?

How to become equal to men in the exercise of liberated sexuality, without complexes or taboos? How to reclaim your body and educate your senses? Thanks to guided practices and mental or physical techniques.

It thus reveals the mechanisms necessary for a radiant sexuality. It is time for you to be the mistress of the game to fully realize yourself. This uninhibited book will inform you and give you the keys to sexual well-being. A jubilant way to become free, powerful and desirable.

On that note, I'll leave you, I'm going to have a tête-à-tête dinner with my best friend over a good glass of red wine, and we'll remake the world of tomorrow, a free world without complexes, where men will no longer be afraid to court women!


Servane Vergy – erotic romance & true sex story – bestselling sex guides.


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