Libertinage: start gently!

Do you want to start practicing libertinism, but you haven't dared to take the plunge yet? There are different solutions to start your life as a libertine gently. By going through libertine dating sites, you won't be obliged to meet people physically right away. You can start with online practices such as live, hot chats, exhibitionism or voyeurism. Here are some tips for choosing your libertine dating site and for starting libertinism in a safe and serene way.

Start libertinism virtually thanks to dating sites

Maybe you've been thinking about libertinism for a long time now. If you've never tried it, it's probably because you're afraid, either of meeting the wrong people or of doing it the wrong way. You then lose your self-confidence and deprive yourself of pleasures that libertinism offers.

Libertinism is indeed a practice that encompasses a long list of sexual pleasures and nuances. It goes from simply having extramarital relations to the practice of swinging. It also includes:

  • voyeurism,
  • threesome (being the most common practice in the field, but one can go from four partners to the number one desires, and therefore up to the orgy),
  • mixing,
  • the exhibition,
  • side-by-sideism,
  • fetishism,
  • the gang bang.

It is also possible to combine all kinds of sexual practices in libertinism, such as BDSM, pissing, fantasies about a certain category of person or even role playing.

Libertine dating sites

To be able to enjoy the pleasures that tempt you, you will need choosing a good dating site. It's still too early to go directly to a libertine club. That's good, because there are a large number of sites specialized in the field. If you want to try thelibertine experience through a dating site, you can learn more about Wyylde for example, a site known for finding libertine partners.

Faced with the offer of libertine dating sites, it is important to have a few criteria in mind to select the right one. You would not want to come across a malicious site and find yourself in dangerous or strange situations.

libertine dating site

The ability to filter profiles

A good libertine dating site allows you to set filters on the people you want to meet. You thus pass less time searching and you go straight to the point. If you have already used other classic sites for this purpose, you must have noticed how almost impossible it is to find what you are looking for and the person who matches your desires. With a specialized site for libertinism, you already know why people are there.

All you have to do is put the filters you want, according to your tastes. For example, you can tell the site that you are only looking for women or only men, or both. You can specify if you are looking for heterosexual people, homosexual or bisexual. You can also go further with certain sites by asking to search for trans or non-binary people.

Next comes the question of whether you are looking for a single person, a couple, or more. You need to know in advance what interests you. To do this, assess your level of desire and desires. If you are a beginner, it may be better to start with a single person who is close to your sexuality. This way, you can see if you like it and if you want to spice up the experience a little more.

Now that you have defined the type of person with whom you wish to practice libertinism, a good site will also allow you to filter by the type of practice you are looking for. In addition to the categories I mentioned above, some sites also offer you to filter by sexual practice. This is what interests us here. To start, you can for example say that you prefer to start libertinage via a chat, by photo, by cam and even in live cam.

Prices applied by libertine dating sites

An important criterion is the cost you are willing to invest in libertinism. The price of the site is part of it. Some sites will offer you paid features, but the exchanges will quickly be limited. Since to start in libertinism gently it is better to start virtually, you will then have to take out a subscription.

If you have a small budget, turn to the platforms that offer the lowest prices. You will easily find comparators in this sense on the internet. Just make sure that they are secure. Sites can offer you short subscriptions, which will allow you to no longer pay once you have found the people with whom to practice your libertinism. When you return to the application in search of new sensations, you will be able to take out a new subscription.

beginner libertine dating site

The site interface

A reliable dating site will have an instinctive interface. Above all, you need to feel comfortable and be able to get to grips with the platform quickly. If the site offers a mobile application version of its interface, that will be even better. You will be able to keep in touch with your favorite partners at any time and spice up your workdays by sending a naughty message or two.

Data security

Remember to check that the site is in HTTPS. The s means that it is protected. However, this is not enough. You can go to the legal notices section to check, firstly if they exist, then if the site is well referenced and if it meets the GDPR rules. You will normally find there what you need to know about the protection of your personal data and your privacy.

Start approaching swinger profiles that interest you

Once you have selected the right site, you can get started. The first important point is to create a quality profile for you. You do not have to put a photo of your face if you want to remain anonymous before revealing your identity. However, you will have to put a quality photo. Avoid photos of your genitals which, on some sites will be prohibited, and on others will be very badly seen by users. Prefer a part of your anatomy that you appreciate and that you will know how to highlight.

In the description part, mention your profile tastes, but especially that you are a beginner and that you are looking to take it easy for the moment. This will help you avoid coming across libertines who might rush you. Then carefully select the criteria that you are looking for in others and you can start browsing and selecting the profiles that attract you.

Start libertinism through the virtual

When you come across profiles of people who agree to start with chat, photos, cams or lives, the practice will finally begin! Try out virtually what you would like to do in real life. If you are a fan of voyeurism, it will obviously be easier. If you are in a relationship, do not hesitate to offer (once you have had your partner's agreement, obviously) live sessions of your couple making love. Another libertine couple could be interested and will do a live in return.

For fans of side-by-side, it is also possible to do it via screen. All you need to do is for the participants to practice on their own, keeping an eye on the performance of the others behind their screen.

Once you have discovered libertinism through this means and you are more comfortable with it, you can finally think about moving on to reality.

Libertine site for beginners

Go from virtual to real and meet libertines near you

Start by proposing to libertine people you already know. If you have been exchanging photos, naughty messages or live shows with libertines for a few weeks or months, they will be all the more interested and excited to meet you in real life. This will be ideal for you, because you can be sure to come across trustworthy people with whom you have already shared pleasures. You know what things excite you, the moment will only be better.

You will then be able to discover the practices that you want to try, but that you were not able to try in the virtual world. Swinging and mixing will then be accessible to you and you will not regret having first gone through the virtual world to practice.

Before any libertine practice, if you are in a relationship, make sure that your other half agrees and that this is what he or she is also looking for. The result will only be better. You also have to want it. Never force yourself to discover libertinism if it scares you or does not really make you want it. You have to feel comfortable, to live a beautiful experience.

You can also try naturist massage which is very popular.

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